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The error message shown on your PC is usually related to a failed attempt to update the driver software of your Prolific USB to Serial adapter to the latest driver and after updating to the latest driver version your serial adapter starts to malfunction with yellow exclamation mark hovering over or beside the Serial Driver icon in the Device Manager. If you see any issue related to serial adapter, try to use the driver updating tools offered by the manufacturer or try a new driver. Troubleshooting a Prolific Serial Adapter Driver is very easy on usual case, but when the error does not show up and the yellow exclamation mark is still hovering over the Serial Driver or you get an error report other than The device could not be found. you should click on this link to get your Prolific Serial Adapter driver.
All the PC problems that you might have known so far have been related to the Prolific USB to Serial adapter driver. The installation of the driver files is very easy but sometimes the process possible cause the driver software gets corrupted and being reported as a serious error. In the coming paragraphs of this post we will be showing you how to install the required Prolific USB to Serial adapter driver from the manufacturers website.
When you have opted to download the driver from the manufacturers website, you can find a driver installation program that installs an executable driver file. In our case of the Prolific Serial Adapter, the driver we are about to download comes as a Setup and Install Shield file and in this case, you will have to use the installation software provided by the manufacturer of your Prolific Serial Adapter to install the driver file. On this page, you can find the updated driver for your Prolific USB to Serial adapter. You can use the software directly or use the installation CD (Version 3.3.3. d2c66b5586