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XCAP may have been configured for one or more variations, suchas, (a) Automatically opening, or not opening, the PIXCI®frame grabber and displaying the PIXCI® Image Viewer,(b) Eliminating the Main Window with its menus integrated intothe PIXCI® Image Viewer window, (c) Configuring theShortcuts and/or Capture & Adjust features to be attached tothe PIXCI® Image Viewer window rather than detached in theirown windows, (d) Selecting whether the Shortcuts and/orCapture & Adjust features appear automatically, or onlywhen:
As three of the most commonly used operations, the Snap, Live, and UnLive are also available in the Shortcuts Toolbar, astwo shortcuts with a graphic of camera; one for snap and the otherfor live/unlive. The Shortcuts also allow changing the currentframe buffer, as four shortcuts with the graphic of a book's pages;switch to the first frame buffer, to the next frame buffer (e.g.current buffer +1), to the previous frame buffer (e.g. currentbuffer -1), and to the last frame buffer. The relative position ofthese shortcuts changes depending on whether the Shortcuts Toolbaris standalone window or within the PIXCI® Image Viewer window,and depending on the graphic display resolution and size of thewindows; hovering the mouse over the shortcuts will explain the useof each.
For cameras with switches, the camera's settings can neither beset nor sensed by XCAP! Instead, the Capture & Adjust windowshows a sketch of the camera's controls. After selecting a cameraoperating mode by setting the camera's switches, adjust thesketch's controls to match those of the camera. This convenienttechnique advises XCAP of the camera's configuration, and allowsautomatically setting the PIXCI® frame grabber's configurationto match.
XCAP is a family of sophisticated, interactive, imaging programsspecifically designed to support the PIXCI® series of framegrabbers, but also able to process and analyze images from otherimaging sources. Several versions of XCAP are available: XCAP-Plus,XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer. All versions sharethe same user interface and menu structure, but selected featuresin XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd, XCAP-Lite, and XCAP-Viewer are notoperational. XCAP is distributed on CD/DVD, or downloadable fromthe EPIX, Inc. website. After installation, a 12 characteractivation or ID code[6] is entered to configure XCAP as eitherXCAP-Plus, XCAP-Std, XCAP-Ltd,[7] or XCAP-Lite; or, lacking a validactivation or ID code, configured as XCAP-Viewer.
Underneath New Image are listed all existing imagewindows, whether for PIXCI® frame grabber frame buffers, or forindependent image buffers. (The image window for PIXCI® framegrabber frame buffers appears only after the PIXCI® framegrabber has been opened for use, see below). An image window whichhas been closed and is thereby off-screen can be reactivated byclicking the image window's name.
For image viewer windows associated with the PIXCI® framegrabber's image frame buffer(s), the Adjustments allows setting common adjustments, assuitable for the model of the PIXCI® frame grabber in use, andis described under PIXCI® Image Viewer - Capture.
The image viewer window associated with the PIXCI® framegrabber's image frame buffer(s) has Capture which provides forcapturing images from the PIXCI® frame grabber and otherfeatures associated with the PIXCI® frame grabber. Anyadditional image viewer windows created by Launch 2nd Viewer do not provide Capture,but only view, modify, examine, and/or draw the frame buffers.
The Adjustments also provide duplicate features to Snap, Live, UnLive, select the frame buffer, and set the video windowsize. A duplicate menu item to access Adjustments is provided under Image Viewer - View.
Functions to snap a video field or frame (such as pxd_goSnap, discussed below) capture the next videofield or frame following its invocation. In other words, thefunction ''arms'' the PIXCI® frame grabber to capture the nextvideo field or frame into a frame buffer. This is in contrast tohaving the frame grabber consume resources continuously capturingeverything, and having a hypothetical snap function retrieve thelast field or frame captured. This hypothetical behavior can be obtained in XCLIB using pxd_goLivePair (also discussed below) or similarfunctions, but it is not the behavior of the snap function.
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Window management in Windows 7 has several new features: Aero Snap maximizes a window when it is dragged to the top, left, or right of the screen.[69] Dragging windows to the left or right edges of the screen allows users to snap software windows to either side of the screen, such that the windows take up half the screen. When a user moves windows that were snapped or maximized using Snap, the system restores their previous state. Snap functions can also be triggered with keyboard shortcuts. Aero Shake hides all inactive windows when the active window's title bar is dragged back and forth rapidly.
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