Max Msp Drum Machine Patch !!LINK!!
You would be surprised how little you need to start working with Max. Create a patch with a "notein" object in it. If you have not already done so, install the Ruby 1.9.2 and the Git 1.4.1 software on your computer. (You can do this on a separate computer if you like).Open the ruby command line in Finder, double click the first shortcut (or right click and select Open) and open the command line. Type this into the new command line window:ruby -e'require "tortoise"; puts Tortoise.version; puts Tortoise.gitversion; puts Tortoise.readme.current_git'Copy the Git version from the output, open a second terminal (command line window) and paste the Git version you copied inside terminal into a separate file titled Max patch. Save it. Close the two terminals. In Max, create a new text object, paste the Git bash command you put into terminal into it, and enclose it in double quotes. Save the patch. Save the patch and open it in Max, it should work.
In order to add a notein object to your patch, double click on the text object you created to paste the git bash command into. You should see a message on the screen that says the patch is already open, you can exit the patch if you like. Otherwise go back to the patch window, on the menu bar, go to "Paste" and Paste. You should now see a new object called "notein" in your patch. Close the patch. Create a drum machine object in your patch (double click it) and double click on notein inside of it. Set the pattern, velocity, and note to whatever you like. Save your patch.
Most songwriting software, such as Cool Edit, Audacity, and others will let you perform a search for musical elements. Try running the strings from the 15 Step song in your songwriting software to see if they match your song. If not, you will have to revise them. d2c66b5586