The Little Book On Oral Argument Ebook Rar
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BT. H. P. B. was not the first to evolve a theory of Unity of the Three Principles in regard to the appearance of the fivefold repetition that makes up the Four Separate Densities in the manifested Universe as these unfolded in their precession from the comparatively regressed State of Malkuth down to the more advanced State of Tiphareth or forecourt of the Tree of Life. There is evidence that a theory of Unity had been evolved by the Aryans and that it was meant to apply to the Universe as a whole.This may have been evolved by the Aryans, and from time to time new doctrines are evolved to meet new problems as they arose. There is evidence that the theory of Unity has been extant in India for a long time. It is found also among the Hindus of the Eastern Hemisphere.
The first part of Mrs. Besant's "Unity Summation" of the teachings of the Master Therion on this subject, has previously appeared in Theosophical News in parti-cular, Vol. I. The full development of the theory as it appeared in her work, titled Orientation, was not published until some years after her death. As the paper in this volume dealt exclusively with the 20-year period, the subject was not given its due. It is now presented in its completed form
IT is possible for anyone, even a charlatan, to get printedsupport to his system by mere bombast. The Theosophists are not being bombastic. They are trying to get printed evidence. d2c66b5586