Therapeutic Guidelines Oral And Dental Free EXCLUSIVE Download
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It will also be helpful to realize that some dental procedures, such as tooth extraction, are associated with a greater risk of developing an abscess than others. Weaning a new baby off the breast or bottle can be associated with a period of increased mastication, which may lead to a localized oral abscess if there is a subgingival membrane between the baby's teeth and the nipple. Other factors increasing the risk of developing an oral abscess include drinking through a straw, using a headgear or a pacifier and bottle-feeding.
Dental decay is occurring in ascending order from the pulp chamber to the root canal, with the most common site of pathology occurring in the coronal third of the root canal. People of all ages can develop pathological changes in normal teeth, which can erode the enamel and dentin and form a pocket between the tooth and the root. Restoring a tooth with or without pain can be accomplished without a need for periodontal surgery. Root-end fillings are most often placed when the removal of a tooth is indicated because of the presence of tooth decay in the radicular portion of the tooth. An endodontic consultation is required before a root-end filling is performed.
In most cases, the etiology of an abscess is unknown. Frequently, the earliest sign of infection is swelling of the tissues surrounding the tooth, or pus may appear from the inside of the mouth and exude from the gums. When the infection becomes a localized abscess, the affected tooth shows one or more of the following characteristics:
Loosening of the periodontal ligament - When the gums are inflamed or swollen, the tooth may detach from its socket and move away from the gum line. This loss of stability in the tooth is caused by an infection in the attachment area of the tooth, endodontic infection, or the tooth has become loosened during the endodontic procedure. Loosening of the tooth is then more difficult to treat than a localized abscess. d2c66b5586