Well as those that are truly effective, we can better focus our time and achieve better results. What worked this month? What went wrong? What really delivered? Can we spend time better? Individually, we often know the answers, because we do the work and see the results – but this inspection highlights them so we can make that strategic improvement. Continuous improvement Continuous improvement is also essential. Twelve months of small, iterative changes to your internal processes translate into much better results for your customers. Sharing knowledge and resolutions ensures constant improvement for your team members.
Team members eliminating problems that previously seemed insurmountable create happy teams. Customer problems solved by knowledgeable and hard-working teams create satisfied customers. SEO is a black box. Digital marketing is really hard. So many jewelry retouching service moving parts. Inspect and adapt to eliminate waste, focus on what works, and strive for constant improvement. This process helps my agency do a better job than ever before, and to some extent keep our sanity in the crazy, multi-channel, ever-changing, and interconnected world of digital marketing. Chances are, an agile approach can
improve your marketing endeavors, whether you're an agency or an in-house marketer. And of course, if you support the approach, you can call yourself the “Scrum Master” – which is always a big win. I would love to hear from anyone using agile practices to improve their own marketing efforts. Reach out to me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or via the Author Contact Form, and see if we can inspect, adapt, and improve our SEO and digital marketing efforts in 2017. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily of Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.